Why carry a fat wallet when you don’t have to? Maybe it was designed to hold more than you need; perhaps it invites unnecessary stuffing.
Parkinson’s Universal Law: "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”
Your wallet is a lot like Parkinson’s Law, give it an inch and it will take a mile. All those unnecessary compartments and layers in your wallet are just aching to be filled up with plastic and paper you don’t need to carry. Before you know it, the clutter is so great you can’t imagine the hassle of cleaning it out.
What does this say about your life? Does your wallet reflect the unnecessary, wasteful or potentially destructive things you’re filling it up with? Do you have hundreds of cable channels? Dozens of magazine subscriptions? An outdated dining room set only to fill a dining room that you never use? Perhaps this excess is not an expression of who you really are.
And how about time? Are you wasting time that is not productive for work, good for personal growth or required for rejuvenation? As the Roman philosopher Seneca profoundly noted:
"It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it."
Did you know that we work less than we did in 1965? We actually have more leisure time today. You’re thinking: “No way!” …but it’s true. The real issue is what we fill that time with. How much more time do you spend messaging and perusing on Facebook than you did 5 years ago? How often do you get lost in a google search that takes you 20 places you’d not intended to explore? How many days a year does all this activity add up to? You may be surprised. With more of our work being done "on a screen," it is easy to get distracted and squander what otherwise would be precious free time. If we are not careful, life—like a traditional wallet—fills up with stuff that is not all that rewarding or pleasurable in the end.
The wallet you carry can be a mirror of your life; both will get very cluttered if you’re not mindful and choose wisely. By intentionally selecting a svelte, efficient wallet, you’re setting the stage for a lifestyle shift where you discard what’s in your way and reclaim your free time for leisure or growth.
Imagine the luxury of a wallet so flat it fits easily in a front pocket. No more sitting on a “brick” that kills your back. No more inviting pickpockets to ruin your day or your vacation. And make the frustration of not being able to find your buried stuff in a messy billfold or trifold a thing of the past.